Thu, Mar 3, 2016

5:34 p.m.

Update. Dad felt good this am but by noon he was not. Home health nurse came and he has white spots on his throat. His throat is sore has eaten very little had a milkshake. The spots are yeast from chemo. Dr ordered some medicine I just picked up. He stayed up and visited this afternoon with a friend of Janes and his when they were kids. Laying down now as pain is back. In spite of that he is lots better then that Thursday after his first treatment. Have to go to get fluids at nine in the am. Jane has made dinner and he does want to try to eat. Will give you an evening update later

11:22 p.m.

Dad ate a really good supper tonight. Did not take the new med till seven because he wanted to eat first. Took pain med at five and again at ten. Had an uncomfortable time after dinner so he ended up with prune juice and that helped. Just had some frozen milkshake. Asleep now watching pioneer tv. Off at eight tomorrow. Update tomorrow.